17th May 2024
Today we were to visit someone, who R follows on X, on the Island of Berneray. Eilidh owns a gift shop called the Coralbox.
On route to Berneray, we stopped at Traigh-stir where we had to open a gate to get down the road. Parked in the dunes and walked down to the beach. Could have been a nice spot on a sunny day, and an excellent spot for off grid camping.
A little way on, at Scolpaig Tower, we stopped to view this monument. A strange little tower standing on a small island in an inland loch.
Next stop just before crossing into Berneray, stopped at Dun an Sticir. Here there was a Prehistoric settlement. in a small loch, with rock pathways to get to the site. Also spent some time photographing the birds here. Managed a photo of a Dunlin and an Arctic Tern.
Next stop was at the Berneray Shop and Bistro. Stopping as in urgent need of a loo, so thought about a coffee. We ended up having an early and nice lunch there. Not only was this a café, it was also a small grocery store for the island. The weather was looking up in Berneray. There was much sun and warmth, many opted to sit outside the cafe, overlooking the sea.
Next stop was the Coralbox gift shop. This is at the harbour, quite small and some parking outside. R has been stalking the owner on X for the last few years, oohing and aahing at Eilidh’s photographs of atypical Hebridean beaches. I spotted Eilidh rushing up the hill from the house below to look after the shop. R bought some cards and T towels and discussed the shells Eilidh exhibited in her shop. R admitted to stalking.
We then drove to East Coast, lovely sand beach. I walked the whole beach and photographed some Sanderlings..
Next to the south of West Coast; the road was lovely unpotholed tarmac through the crofts. Small carpark at the end and a walk through the dunes to a huge beach. White sand for a couple of kilometres or more.
A couple of stops on the way back, first to the Ferry port at Berneray, where we would be leaving to continue on up North, and the Co-Op for some food and drink. As we drove near our campsite the weather became cloudy with low lying clouds. It had been like this all day here, while up in Berneray it had been lovely. (Though not very warm.)
Birds Photographed
- Dunlin
- Arctic Tern
- Sanderling